February’s topic for assembly was friendship so in assembly, as a whole school, the children created a friendship tree. The children came up with qualities they would want a friend to have and wrote these on leaves which they then added to the tree. Here is our friendship tree.
The following week in assembly we thought of people who were good friends to the school. It was decided that Judith was a good friend to the school as she shares her stories with the children in assembly, she listens to the children, she is polite to them, she cares for them and she helps nurture the children’s spirituality. So in assembly the children made Judith a friendship card which two children from Class 1 delivered.
The children in Class 1 carried on this theme in their classroom and all the children drew a name from the pot and made a friendship card for that child. It gave them time to think of the kind things other children do and the kind things they do themselves.
Some of the children in Class 1 also wrote a friendship poem.
When my friend smiles it is because they are happy,
When my friend cries I can help them,
When my friend smiles it is because I am their best friend,
When my friend cries I make them laugh,
When my friend smiles it is because I am sharing my toys with them,
When my friend cries I tickle them,
When my friend smiles it’s because I am being nice to them,
When my friend cries I take care of them,
My friend is smiling because I am their BEST FRIEND.
By Sophie, Thomas, Kieran and Evan