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Spring 2017 class 2 Topics


Dear Parent/ Carer,
 I would like to take this opportunity to let you know what topics Class 2 will be covering throughout the Spring Term.
 Literacy: In literacy the children will be learning about traditional tales. If you have any traditional stories at home that the children would like to bring in and share, please send them in, but make sure they are named so they can be returned to their rightful owners when we have finished with them. We shall also be writing non-chronological reports and again investigating some poetry.
Numeracy: This term the children will be learning about time, money , measure and geometry. After the half term, the focus will be on fractions.   They will continue to learn to four basic operations and use these for problem solving.
Science: For the first half term the children will investigate everyday materials, learning about their properties and their uses. After the half term they will learn about plants. Activities will include labelling common wild and garden plants, finding out the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees, observational drawings and hands-on experience of investigating trees and plants outdoors.
Design Technology / Art: This term the children will be exploring textiles and designing a T-shirt for teddyIn art the topic is Homes where the children will investigate different buildings and architecture.
 Music: The children will be exploring long and short sounds. They will also be looking at a range of instruments.
PE: The children do gymnastics for the first half term while the weather is still likely to be poor so we can remain in the hall. After half term they will be learning skills to help them to participate in invasion games. They will learn different sending and receiving skills and basic tactics.   Please remember to remove any earrings on Monday and Friday and also to include a spare jumper and trousers after half term as we are still likely to encounter cold weather.
 PSHE: The children will learn the importance of a being a good citizen.  In addition they will participate in the Legacy Challenge and will do an assortment of challenging relating to health, fitness and adventure.
RE: This term is dedicated to learning about Christianity. They will learn about belonging, expressions of belief and celebrate Easter. We are hoping to take the children to visit the local church.   After half term the children will learn about Judaism.
Geography/History The first half term is dedicated to geography and the children will about the key human and physical features in their local and surrounding environment.  In history they will learn about history within living memory. They will make a visit to Norwich Castle Museum.
Computing: The children will be shown how to take photographs digitally and how to upload them to create stored digital content and make a collage using ICT. They will also learn about internet safety.
If you have any questions about any of the topics please do not hesitate to come and see me.
 Yours sincerely
Miss Pennock.