Denver Supertots Playgroup is held every Friday morning at Denver Primary School from 9.30am to 10.30am. Why not pop in for a cuppa... and loads of fun and games! We look forward to seeing you there!
Denver Supertots Playgroup is held every Friday morning at Denver Primary School from 9.30am to 10.30am. Why not pop in for a cuppa... and loads of fun and games! We look forward to seeing you there!
Food parcels available to support families in Downham Market and surrounding areas .
Free Digital Equipment Scheme
Help prevent the spread of Coronavirus by keeping your distance at the school gate!
Online Mindfulness Sessions - Kerry-Ann Lawrence
FenSong is a FREE performing arts group run by professionally trained teaches and performers offering a wide range of performance skills. .
Introducing the Virtual School Library!
Oak National Academy and the National Literacy Trust have come together to launch our Virtual School Library to keep children reading during lockdown.
Every week, a popular children's author will become our ‘Author of the Week’ and provide a free book or audiobook and exclusive videos and activities aimed at primary school children, all available at
Our first Author of the Week is Dame Jacqueline Wilson DBE, who talks about how her infamous character Tracy Beaker got her name, offers exclusive activities and recommends her top reads to check out. The Story of Tracy Beaker is also available to read for free for a week. Spread the word!
Resources for Families
A Scholastic Travelling Book Fair is coming to our school this week. It will be open after school from Thursday 28th November (at the Christmas Fayre) until Tuesday 3rd December.
Hundreds of book will be on sale from only £2.99. A range of stationery will also be available for the children to buy. Every book/item purchased earns free books for our school. Please see the attached invitation for more information.
We hope many of you will able to visit the book fair.
Our first Messy Church session is taking place in the school hall on 2nd October from 3.30-5pm.
Our Open Morning aimed at the new Reception starters for next September is on Friday 14th October from 9.30am-11.30am.