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Our Vision

Denver VC Primary School Vision 

As a church school, our values are based on Christian principles and we have an ethos of hard work and mutual respect.

Our shared Christian vision is: To seek to discover and celebrate whatever is good in each individual - Discover, Value, Celebrate and Praise. 

                                                            Let your light shine (Matthew 5:16)


We aim: To develop the whole school community, promoting the academic, social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and aesthetic aspects of the individual.


  • Providing an appropriate and high standard of education for all pupils.
  • Treating pupils as individuals and responding to their educational needs.
  • Giving pupils every opportunity to develop their potential.
  • Developing the children’s awareness of community.
  • Teaching children to be sensitive to the rights and responsibilities of all members of society.
  • Equipping children to make the best use of the opportunities that will arise in their future education and in adult life.
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to reflect upon and appraise their own work, to identify goals for further progress and to make appropriate choices.
  • Encouraging children to work and play co-operatively.
  •  Providing all pupils with a wide range of learning experiences, extending beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum.
  •  Providing an attractive, safe environment where children can enjoy their childhood and grow in confidence and self-respect.

We want children to be caring and responsible members of society who have consideration for others and the world in which they live. We want them to be independent but thoughtful members of our school, village and global community.