Careers' Day
On Friday 14th December the whole school participated in a careers' day. In Class 4 we had several visitors in to explain what their jobs involved. Mr Armitage, a local estate agent, gave the children a flavour of what is involved in buying and selling houses. Jo Hurst explained her role as a fitness instructor and then led an energetic Zumba class. Cathy Clarke represented the job centre and discussed her role with the children. She also carried out some mock interviews for jobs the children had previously had to apply for in their literacy lessons.
We were also fortunate enough to be visited by Elizabeth Truss, our local MP. She gave us an insight into what it is like to be a MP and attend the House of Commons. She also answered many of the children's questions.
The day was a huge success and the children enjoyed the experience. Here are some photos and examples of the children's work.