Class 3 Topics Autumn 2019
Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to the new school year, we will be doing lots of exciting things this year and here is a flavour of what we will be working on this term.
English: We will be looking at Stories in Familiar Settings using the Horrid Henry stories of Francesca Simon.
Maths: In Numeracy we will be looking at Place Value and starting work on our Times Tables.
Science: We will be investigating Light and Shadow before looking at Forces and Magnets.
Design and Technology: We will be investigating structures and looking at bridges.
Computing: This term in we will be looking at Computer Networks and Programming.
History: We will look at the changes in Britain during prehistoric times.
Geography: We will look at Europe and the countries within it.
Art and Design: We will look at the portrayal of relationships in art and how we can do this.
Music: We will be looking at pentatonic scales and learning about how they are used in western and eastern music. We will explore descriptive sounds and how they make us feel.
PE: This term we will be playing striking and fielding games. Children should bring in their PE kits each Monday and take them home on the Friday.
RE: This term we will be looking at Christianity and the Journey of Life and Death.
PHSE/Citizenship: We will be looking at rules and how they keep everyone safe.
French: We will be exploring the French language, including greetings, numbers and colours.
Homework: Maths homework is set on Monday to be returned on Wednesday. English homework is set on Wednesday to be returned on Friday. Spellings will be set on Friday to be tested the following Friday. Some children find it extremely beneficial to read these with their parents/carers and your support in this is very welcome. Additionally if your child is a developing reader it is important that they get as much support at home as possible through reading and sharing books.
If you have any queries about your child please feel free to contact me. Sometimes conversations at the beginning of the day are not easy as lessons need to be started promptly so after school meetings would be preferable.
I look forward to the exciting year ahead with Class 3.
Mr Bonham