Class 2 Autumn Topics 2019
Class 2 topics |
Dear Parent/ Carer,
I would like to take this opportunity to let you know what topics Class 2 will be covering throughout the Autumn Term 2019.
Literacy: In literacy the children will be looking at narrative and writing stories with a familiar setting based on the book Scaredy Squirrel. They will be doing an author study on Julia Donaldson and looking at her books, so if you have any of these that you are willing to bring in for the class to share we will be able to make a display. Our non-fiction topic for this term is Instructions and Labels and Captions.
Numeracy: In addition to the four operations, the children will learn about place value and learn to compare and order numbers. They will also learn coin denominations and equivalence.
Science: This term the children will learn about materials and their suitability for a particular purpose. After half term they will look at seasonal change from autumn to winter.
Design Technology / Art /Cookery: In art we will be exploring mark making and drawing a self portrait. For DT we will be looking at mechanisms and making a wind-up toy. For cookery this term the children will learn about seasonal fruit and make jam.
Music: This term Class Two will be considering pitch - the highs and lows of music. We will be looking at an array of musical instruments and finding out their ranges. We will also continue to sing and explore different instruments. Finally, we will delve into the world of sound and try to describe the sound we hear.
PE: The children will learn the skills for striking and fielding games. After half term when the weather becomes colder they will be doing dance inside. Please remember to remove any earrings on Monday and Tuesday and please, also to include a pair of trainers, jogging bottoms and a P.E. top as they will be outside on the field when the weather allows after the half term break.
PSHE: This term the children will learn about developing their confidence. They will each have the opportunity to do a show and tell to improve their confidence in front of an audience. A note will be sent out so you know what date to send in the information.
RE: This term the R.E. is about Christianity. They will learn a little about creation and the importance of Christmas to Christians.
Geography/History The children will be learning about the countries that make up the UK. After half term they will do history and learn about the Great Fire of London and its impact.
Computing: The children will learn about internet safety. They will also learn about algorithms.
If you have any questions about any of the topics please do not hesitate to come and see me.
Yours sincerely
Miss Pennock.