We are proud of how smart our children look in their school uniform! The following is a choice of clothing which we are happy for children to wear whilst in school. The highlighted/starred uniform items below are available to purchase online through the link on our home page. Please note, we do not allow children to wear jeans in school during a normal school day.
Winter choice:
- Navy cardigan/sweatshirt with Denver School crest*
- Navy (or dark) skirt/pinafore dress
- Navy (or dark) trousers
- White blouse/shirt
- White or pale blue polo shirt
- White/Navy (or dark) socks/dark-coloured tights
- Sensible, flat, dark-coloured shoes (no trainers)
Summer choice — as for winter and/or:
- Blue & white dress/skirt
- Navy Shorts
- White or pale blue polo/T-shirt
- White/Navy (or dark) socks
- Sensible, flat, dark-coloured shoes (no trainers)
Flat sandals with heel straps (not flip-flop style) are also permissible for the summer, but please be aware that some curricular activities require children to wear shoes and not sandals.
Year 6
Children in year 6 should wear a white shirt with a collar as they will be provided with a tie for their final year in school.
PE Kit
Children will need to wear their PE kit to school for the days on which they have a PE lesson, After-School Sports Club or a PE event. Would you please ensure that the following items are provided:
- PE t-shirt in the appropriate team colour* with Denver School crest
- For colder weather — jogging/tracksuit bottoms and a long-sleeved warm top, socks and trainers
- For warmer weather — shorts, plimsolls/trainers, socks
- For children with long hair, please provide a hairband so that hair can be tied up.
We would ask that children also have one of our school bookbags which are available from the school office. To order either, please return a completed uniform order (attached below) to the school office and pay online in the usual way.
Please order Bookbags through the following link: