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New Families

Thank you for choosing or considering Denver VC Primary School for your family.

We pride ourselves on being a caring and thoughtful school that puts the needs of our children first. We seek to enable each child to realise their potential. We encourage children to develop their skills, to understand how to learn and to relish the learning process which we take very seriously but explore in playful and life-affirming ways.

We have a team of committed and well-trained staff who put our children at the centre of their work day. Our families are very supportive, and we encourage good communication between all parties to ensure the children receive the best from all.

Our last Ofsted celebrated this ‘Good’ school in many ways and said:

“Pupils arrive at school happy and smiling. They are cared for by the staff and feel safe. They enjoy their learning. The school’s values of "Discover, Value, Celebrate and Praise" are apparent in all aspects of school life. Pupils are respectful and friendly to each other and to adults. Pupils behave well. They know what is expected of them. Their learning is rarely disturbed by others’ behaviour. Bullying is rare. Pupils agree this is the case, but there are occasional acts of unkindness. Teachers deal with these quickly. Pupils enjoy studying a broad and balanced curriculum. They respond well to teachers’ high expectations and try to do the best they can. Pupils achieve well. Pupils are proud of their school. They are encouraged to take on leadership roles. They can join the eco or school councils. They are excited about the outdoor learning opportunities. The expressive arts are a feature of the school. Pupils enjoy their musical experiences. Visits to the local church at Christmas and Easter help them become confident in musical performance. Parents are positive about the work of leaders and staff. They would recommend the school to other parents.”

Our website is quite comprehensive, so if you have questions please explore and discover the richness of the provision and the nuts and bolts of participating in school. If you still have questions, please email us at

We offer before and after-school care from 8am to 6pm which is led by school staff who provide a comfortable and safe space for the children where they can prepare for or relax after school.

The images you see on this and other pages of the website are all taken as children participate in their learning and accurately reflect the diverse and rich curriculum being followed. To get more of a feel of this, check out our newsletters, which do a great job at keeping us all up to date on what is happening around the school throughout the year.